Friday, April 8, 2011

"sick" day. [or lack there of.]


Today, my youngest doesn't feel good.

So we have spent hours together - 

first  playing games

(math lessons involving coins and counting blocks)

and  then

snuggled up on the coach

taking turns reading out loud to each other. 

These days are some of my favorite "homeschool" days

because they remind me of one the sweetest  benefits of homeschooling -

there is no such thing as sick days.

No one will ask us why we are not "in" school.

No one will question my judgement
to allow her to curl up on the couch for half of the day.

No one will ask me to bring a doctor's note and if I don't see the need to run to the doctor's - paying a co-pay - each time my daughter needs some rest and recuperation, mark those days absent - not knowing or caring that she actually learned a whole lot while she was at home being cared for.

Including how to listen to the cues her body sends her

and  then give her body the rest it needs to get better -

one of the most important lessons someone can learn in life.