Monday, April 18, 2011

post on Faith


I'm Italian.

I was born and raised Catholic.

Practiced my religion in varying degrees -

including one marriage, two children baptized,

and one child making her first communion -

before stopping "practicing" all together.

Now I am surrounded by inquisitive minds.

Minds that question everything around them,

even that which they can not see.

And I am enjoying learning with them.

We have read about Judaism.

We have learned from and prayed with missionaries

from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

And last Sunday,

the youngest two girls and I went to a Catholic Mass.

It was their first time ever, and it was interesting to see

it all through their eyes.  My 6 year old was unimpressed

and as the service stretched past one hour

(I don't remember Mass being that long)

she was over any interest she might have harbored.

My eight year old however, sat - hands clasped and eyes wide;

Watching and reading and singing along.

Afterwards my youngest skipped out like a little bird freed from it's cage,

while my eight year old lingered... shaking hands with the priest and learning




with Holy water.