Thursday, March 1, 2012

double digits.

it's kind of a big deal.   at least to me. 

to shaye...

 not so much.

she was "too old" for a theme.

or a color palette or anything handcrafted & pretty.

"too old" for party games + activities...
"too old" for a cake
"too old" even for cupcakes that i would lovingly bake.

so i let her invite 10 friends. order pizza.

 buy plastic + paper party goods from W.. Wa... Wal...

ugh. i can't even say it. :/

a store bought cake.

her friends arrived. 

   they played just dance 3 on the Wii.

they talked and laughed and played a 
spontaneous game of hide-and-seek, outside, in the dark. 

and then I lit the candles and they all started singing...

And she giggled and grinned ear to ear. 

So thankful 

she's not to old for that! 

Happy Birthday Shaye Lyn!

Here's to a year of letting go and letting life!!


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